Korvina -
The Nefarious Domino
Unsurpassed beauty and a quiet intellect are Korvina’s greatest assets, and she knows exactly how to use them to her advantage. The way she looks, thinks, moves, acts, draws every pair of eyes in a crowd, captivating both men and women alike. But this beauty is only skin deep. Much like the mask she carries, it hides a far more sadistic nature.
Along with her devout bodyguard, the ogre, Thrall, she is in the service of the Veiled Emissary. Her task is a simple one: to enthral Dominus Gaius Thrax and influence his actions. However, as with all players in this game of the gods, she has her own agenda; and having a powerful lord wrapped around her finger may just be the key to gaining all that she covets.
As mistress of the cult of assassins known as the Interitus Vita, Korvina is also a prominent and successful figure in her own right. Her position not only enables her to do the bidding of a god, but also to follow her own desires., both publicly and in secret.
Her dedication to the Emissary is nothing but a charade, for her heart belongs to the Goddess of Death, to whom she dedicates every kill. A god who remains silent, distant, and appears to take no interest in this powerful pawn. But Korvina’s actions have piqued the interest of another immortal: the Scarlet Theá. A goddess who revels in blood and those who shed it. She sees potential in this mistress of assassins, and watches her with great interest.