The Clawed Volitant
A shadow flying over the landscape of the Vestata Terram, the Clawed Volitant is literally death from above. A perversity of nature, it is the creation of The Veiled Emissary, a beast born from hate. Patrolling the skies of its masters domain, it, like many of its brothers and sisters, live for the hunt, whether on the battlefield solely, as a mount for it’s master or hunting for pleasure these beasts care little for morality.
Being an ethereal being it cannot exist freely in the realm of man, however, nothing is impossible and through magical means of summoning, it can be birthed into the mortal realms, screaming to life like an ancient demon.
But a word of caution, the beast should not be summoned lightly, for once released, unless it is tempered and mastered by the summoner, a swift death and a monster unleashed to ravage the lands will be the result.